Many years ago I met a man, a Pastor, who would eventually become a good friend and a milestone in my life. At the time, the small church I was attending was searching for a Pastor... and the Lord, knowing that, sent us a Pastor looking for a church.
This Pastor, would start every Sunday Morning message by addressing the congregation with the following statement:
"God is Good"
the congregation would reply
"All the Time"
the Pastor would then say:
"All the Time"
with the congregation responding:
"God is Good"
It was his signature opening and still is to this day.
God is Good All the Time,
All the time God is Good
The Goodness of God is Never Changing
Our Situations may change
Our health may change
Our finances may change
Our Relationships may Change
There is nothing as constant as change.
But God never changes!
(For I am the LORD, I change not...Malachi 3:6)
This acronym was developed into a graphic that we now print on wearables and other items.
It is designed to solicit interest and curiosity with the hopes of presenting the timeless truth that
God is Good All the Time -
All the Time God is Good